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  • Lily Puddefoot

Imagine if we obsessed about the things we love about ourselves..

Studies have shown that the majority of New Years resolutions focus around weight loss and getting into shape, which can be triggering for anyone, especially those who are struggling with an eating disorder or who are at risk of an eating disorder.

So many people around this time of year take this thin ideal and idea that they need to be a certain weight especially after Christmas, and begin to mentally destroy themselves trying to obtain this image that the media is throwing in their face. This destroys our mental health, trust me. They begin telling themselves and convincing themselves that they are unworthy, not beautiful even disgusting. This thought process often spirals and just becomes worse and worse. I’ve been on the unhealthy side of exercise and weight loss to try and fit this certain “skinny” weight. It upsets me so much that I remember about two years ago I was struggling so much, my brain would convince itself to not eat anything all day and then I was so annoyed at myself when I would eat a smallest piece of cucumber so I wouldn’t faint at dancing?! I’ve wasted so much of my life trying to reach this ‘perfect weight’, but realistically there is AND never will be. This is where my personal new years resolution comes in and that is to exercise in a healthy and non obsessive way. Doing RED January and raising money for the charity MIND will hopefully help me do exercise because I ENJOY IT not to become obsessed with my weight.

The fact of the matter is, not all bodies are genetically designed to weigh less than 110 pounds. Some aren't designed to weight less than 150 pounds. On the opposite side of that, some aren't designed to weigh more than 110 pounds, but far too often girls AND BOYS are driving their bodies below their bodies desired weight which puts their health at risk.

We oftentimes let this number have way too much power over our happiness and health, and that needs to change.

I am included in this group of people that believe the number that reads back to them after they step on the scale is a major part of their identity. When we step on the scale, we aren't thinking logically that muscle weighs more than fat, or that your body retains water which can make your weight fluctuate up to five pounds.


All we see is that we gained two pounds and our entire day is ruined. A number on a scale should not hold enough power to lead us into a state of depression for the day and in some cases their entire lives.

So all i'm trying to say this year, set yourself some new years resolutions which don't involve changing your body, and if you are loosing weight (fair enough, but do it healthily!?) and don’t make it the main focus in your life, because there are far more important things in life!!!

So here's some new years resolutions which are more on the positive side:

- Learn a new hobby “The thing about hobbies, for me, is they teach me to be kind to myself"

-Get out of your comfort zone "I want to say yes to opportunities that present themselves, even if they scare me (as long as they’re healthy)! I want to get uncomfortable, learn from it and grow from it.”

- Stand up to stigma "We all need to see the person, not the illness.”

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